Most digital marketing experts will agree that the Google Search Algorithm is busy increasing its use of social signals at specific page level. This has included links within popular tweets and various other social factors to be included on the search engine results plages. I believe it is quite clear that the search engines will be using more social recommendations in the future as important ranking factors.

A couple of months ago Google released their +1 button that you can add to your website pages and blog. This feature allows interested visitors to recommend your content to their own network. Bing integrated the “Facebook” like button on their search results, Google chose to do this with their own +1 button.

Social recommendations

By placing the Google +1 button on your website pages and blog can give your visitors an easy way to make social recommendations that could be used to influence search results. Everyone logged into their Google account will be able to see the votes and if they are in your social cirlce on the Google+ network, they will see who voted for your content.

Google previously mentioned that using the results generated from the +1 button was an option to use in their search engine algorithm to improve their search quality.  The +1 button will also effect the CTR (Click through rate) which is another ranking signal. This is all because others will click on the search results that have been recommended by people that they know and that are in their social circle.

Add the Google +1 button to your website

If you have a website and you want to include the Google +1 button to your website pages, to add it is very easy. Visit the Google +1 button code page where you can customize the size of the button you would like to use, as well as a couple of other advanced features. If you are running a WordPress blog or website, there are a couple of plugins that you can install directly on your dashboard with no hassle.

Take advantage of the Google +1 button on your blog and website and encourage your visitors to +1 your content.

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