When you decide that you want to start a social media marketing campaign for your business, you must understand that it needs to be taken seriously. If done correctly, social media can provide huge opportunities for your business. To follow this route requires you to...
Social Media Blog Posts
Ready my latest Social Media Blog Posts.Social media marketing strategy
If you are interested in a social media marketing campaign for your business, the first thing you should do is to draw up a social media marketing strategy. This strategy should be an extension of your overall marketing campaign. It should be integrated with your...
Real time search data on Google
Google has recently announced that they will be integrating "real-time search" in their search result pages that will include data from Google+ as well as other Web 2.0 sources. The results will include a stream of social news updates as they unfold on different...
Managing a social media crisis
While every business has its unhappy clients and critics, a smart digital marketing campaign must always have a recover plan to prevent a social media crisis from snowballing and turning into an avalanche. As a digital marketer, you can't fully control what your...
Steps to follow with your social media marketing campaign
You might have noticed how many small businesses are attracting more and more customers online while others are struggling to keep their business above the water. The reason for this is that the successful businesses are using a proven business model to market their...
Creating a social media marketing strategy
Having a digital marketing strategy is very good, but having one that works is even better. Whether you are measuring positive ROI on your social media initiative or saving your business online, creating a social media marketing strategy strategy is one of the first...
Increase brand awareness with social media marketing
Social media have opened up the online floodgates for many businesses. Since the birth of all the social networking channels, it has never been more convenient and easier to communicate in real-time with businesses, groups, organizations, and people from any part of...
Using online PR to manage a crisis with social media
Digital PR, better known as Online PR can play a big role with managing a crisis and it aims to bring brands into the digital world by creating relationships with brand influencers. While it is very important to proactively communicate with your target audience on...
How to do more with your social media campaign
If you are already using social media marketing at your organization to build awareness for your services or products and you are not getting the results you were hoping to get, what do you do next? To answer that question you have to look at what you are currently...
Using LinkedIn for lead generation
This post was published on Memeburn and titled "6 tips for making meaningful business connections on LinkedIn". You most likely already have a LinkedIn profile, connected with a couple of people that you know, and joined a few groups – now what? Did you know that you...
Humanize your brand by interacting on the social web
One common misconception when it comes to marketing on the social web is that you should update your social media profiles as many times as possible during the day. While constantly posting random content and information will keep your social media profile active from...
The role that social media played in the UK riots
In the last few days a couple of riots started in London and have been spreading steadily across the UK. Various news and media outlets blamed social media as the cause of the riots spreading and the co-ordination of the riots. Social media definitely has a role in...