Do you know where your target audience can be found online? If you’ve been in the business of promoting your company online, you’ve most likely said yes, but lets turn that question upside down. Does your clients know that you are using social media in your business? Do they know where they can find you online? Are they following you and are they really interested in what you are talking about on the social web?

Believe it or not, you and your business consists of news. On the social web you have the ability to bring the news directly to your clients and target audience. With this, it’s time to start creating quality news (magnetic content) and not just noise that blurs the market. There is a big difference. People want to connect and engage with real people on the social web, not just news. News that will stick and that has the ability to be shared. If you are a business owner, you need to start wearing your digital marketing hat and get your target audience to know who you are online, what you do, and your value to the community.

Engage with your target audience

The online world has changed tremendously over the last couple of years. People are using social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn to connect with other like minded individuals and companies. People want to connect with other people and by producing magnetic content in your digital marketing strategy, you are giving your target audience a reason to engage with you online.

If you are into digital marketing, you need to track and follow where your audience are following you online and how they are digesting the information (blog posts, status updates, Tweets, images, videos) you are giving them. Give them something to follow and share with their own social circles. The big problem is trying to build a market and awareness first about your business, without any consideration on the type of content or interaction you are going to have with your audience. This process takes time, and I must admit, that it’s not the easiest thing to do online.

Once you start with producing magnetic content and distribute this content on the social web, then you have the right mix for success with your social media strategy.

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