I have added the functionality to My Chatbox Micro Blogging Community that you can login and register with Facebook or Twitter. This is a quick way for users to register and login to this Micro Blogging Community that does not want to register via the normal...
facebook Blog Posts
Ready my latest facebook Blog Posts.Diaspora – Open Source Social Network
As you may have heard, Diaspora released the source code for their open source social network to developers on 15 September 2010. Now if you haven't heard about Diaspora before, this is what the creators of this network calls it - "The privacy aware, personally...
My thoughts on Google Plus
Google Plus (Google +) is the new hype and trend lately in the social universe and I would like to get your thoughts and views on it. Even though it is still in beta phase (testing phase) only accessible via invitation directly from the platform for testing purposes,...
The role that social media played in the UK riots
In the last few days a couple of riots started in London and have been spreading steadily across the UK. Various news and media outlets blamed social media as the cause of the riots spreading and the co-ordination of the riots. Social media definitely has a role in...
Twitter launches Post Tweets to Facebook
Twitter recently launched a new feature on their platform where you can directly post your Tweets to Facebook. This has always been possible in the past with the integration of third party services, but you can now set this up hassle free and directly from Twitter on...
The battle between Google and Facebook
Facebook has recently launched a couple of new services similar to features on Google+. The latest Facebook update includes a new status update box that looks almost the same as the status update box on Google+ where you can add a location to your update and select...
Facebook like button as a chrome extension
The Facebook like button that has been available on Firefox is now available as a Chrome extension. Apparently this has been a side project and it was launched a couple of months ago. So what is the big fuss about it now? The only reason is that Facebook launched...
Weekly blog round-up: 26 – 29 September
Another week and another round of blog posts. This week I covered the usual digital marketing and social media marketing posts together with a post on how you can enable the new Facebook Timeline. Have you activated it yet? If you did, what do you think about it?...
Should I write a blog post, LinkedIn, Tweet or Facebook?
Before you start with your social media marketing campaign, it is an absolute must that you know which social media channels you will be using in your digital marketing strategy. Even though there's hundreds of social media channels to choose from, each one with its...
Use Twitter and Facebook for online reputation management
In this digital age, customers are getting more tech savvy and smarter every day. While most companies had to the ability to control their reputation with traditional advertising, social media changed this as word of mouth marketing is on the rise with all the popular...