Privacy Policy

This website is managed by Anton Koekemoer with offices in South Africa and we are committed to protecting the privacy of our online visitors as is clearly stated within our privacy policy, which is as follows:

Information Collection

Data can be collected and processed when our website is in operation by you. The following are approved methods of collection:

a. If you register for information by filling out a form we can collect the information provided.
b. Traffic data, weblogs, location data, and any other communication can be collected. These details come from your visit to our site and any resource tools you use while on the site.
c. Any communication on our website or to personnel allows us to collect information.

Use of Cookies

Circumstances may arise when we may need to gather information about your computer to help provide appropriate services or products to you. The data gathered is solely statistical data, which may be shared with advertisers.

The facts collected about you are statistical only. No identifying information will be shared about our visitors and how they made use of our site. No personal details will ever be shared.

Cookies are used to collect general online usage by using a cookie file. If used this cookie file is downloaded without prompting. It will be placed on your hard drive with information transferred to the hard drive allowing the cookies to be used for data collection. A cookie is used to improve any services/ products, or overall website characteristic we offer you.

We may use such IP addresses to help diagnose problems with our servers & track movement within our website.

If you decide to decline acceptance of cookies, you may not have access to or receive limited access to, some features on the Anton Koekemoer website.

Use of Your Information

Information stored and collected about you may be used for the following purposes:-

  1. To provide the products and services you request
  2. To improve the content of our website

Notification re- changes or improvements may be sent to you in regards to product or service changes that could affect our service to you. Existing customers can be contacted on the topic of goods or services related to a previous sale, if we feel you might be interested in these additional topics. Added use of your data may include permission for third parties to use your data. This permission would be granted by you in regards to unrelated products or services that may be in your interests. We or third parties can only contact you in regards to this information if consent has been provided for information collection. Third party contact or communications from our website, as a new customer, is only made if you have granted us permission. These communications are only offered for information you consented to and no other unrelated information. Data that you do not want us to use or third parties to use can be withheld, once consent has been given regarding our collection of your data. We will always provide you with an opportunity to decline communications and our or third party data usage. Identifiable data, which could be used to disclose who you are, is never shared. We only provide statistical related data about our visitors to third parties like advertisers to ensure your privacy.

Storing & Protecting Your Personal Data

We take all reasonable processes to ensure your data is secure and in agreement with our Privacy Policy as outlined here. Transmission of data on the internet can never be ultimately secure. We do not and cannot guarantee security of information collected electronically or transmitted; however, we take all necessary steps to provide the best security available. As a result of our inability to guarantee safety, you are submitting information to us at your own risk. Where needed a password may be necessary to access areas of our site. You are responsible for the safety and confidentiality of the password you generate. The Anton Koekemoer website provides you the opportunity to opt-in to receive communications from us in the form of a “newsletter” You always have the option of removing your name from our e-mail mailing list(s) so that you will not receive further e-mail promotional communications from us. In order to ensure immediate removal from any list, it is best to follow the specific instructions outlined within the communications you receive from us.

Third Party Links

Links might be discovered on our site that belong to third parties. These are links to resources that we believe may be useful, however they are operated by third parties that operate under different privacy policies. Any third party website on our site has a privacy policy. We encourage you to review those privacy policies, as we have no control over information you may submit to those third parties.

Policy Updates

Updates of our Privacy Policy are completed frequently, thus you should peruse this Policy habitually. Your continued use of the Anton Koekemoer website following the posting of any changes to this Policy means you accept those changes.

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