Do you really understand and know what you want to achieve with your social media marketing campaign? Do you know what social media can do your business? Have you included your social media strategy into your marketing mix? With any digital marketing campaign, you need to be certain of your goals and objectives before you start, otherwise you can waste a lot of effort and time on something that is not producing targeted results.

If you have done your research and decided that you want to create a social media marketing campaign, the next step in the process is convincing your boss or marketing department that the budget and time invested in social media will achieve the results that you want.  Most people believe that social media is irrelevant to their business and that it is only for the youth. There are many articles online explaining ROI (Return on Investment) with social media. Social media marketing is more than just a campaign. It is a long-term commitment.

Identifying your social media objectives

It is vital that you identify your social media objectives. If there is no specific reason to use social media for your business, you will spend a lot of time and effort enjoying online conversations, but it will not produce positive results. You will not have many results to show how social media is working for you and no justification for the budget and time spent on it.

What overall business goals do you want to achieve with social media? Break these down and research whether social media will help you meet your goals. Identify and be realistic on the goals you want to achieve. Use your marketing strategy and look at the goals of that strategy. Can social media help you achieve those goals? Try to align your business goals with your social media objectives to ensure you achieve what you want to achieve.

Social media has a wide range of objectives that can help you achieve success online. Have a look below on a couple of objectives I have included that you can use in your plan. This list can give you a very good idea of what you can achieve with a proper social media marketing strategy.

Social media marketing objectives

  • Generating leads
  • Increased sales
  • Establishing though leadership
  • Building awareness
  • Increased reach
  • Launching with new services or products
  • Research
  • Insight
  • Improved SEO (Search Engine Optimization) rankings
  • Providing customer support
  • Competitive analysis
  • Improved client relations

When researching your social media objectives, don’t forget to apply the SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely) rule with your strategy. Always apply realistic time frames to all of your social media objectives and identify the metrics you are going to use to measure your success.

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