Despite all the buzz and popularity of popular social media channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and now Pinterest, people continue to publish blog posts. Blogging platforms provides you with a simple easy way of instantly publishing your content such as essays, videos, and images. Some digital marketers are leaning towards a more social media side of their digital marketing strategies, but content is still the number one method to drive target visitors. Blogging can raise awareness of your services and products and increase your reputation and authority online.

Blogging is also an excellent method of promoting your services, products, and to engage with interested readers. An optimizing blogging strategy is a great way to help you with your search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing efforts. Find below a couple of tips on how you can use a blog in your digital marketing strategy.

Content and relevance is king

The easiest and best way to draw interested visitors to your blog is to offer them something new every time that they visit. Your targeted audience is much more likely to share your thoughts and URL if you have something to give, and your blog is a good way of publishing and sharing your content. It doesn’t really matter if you have a blog connected to your website or on a separate domain, you can increase your organic search engine positions in relevant search by updating your blog on a regular basis. This doesn’t mean that you have to write a whitepaper everyday, only a few paragraphs of text about your services and products can help.

Publish relevant blog posts

As most of the major search engines such as Google are moving towards a more “social media” approach to display the most relevant results to their users, bloggers have an excellent opportunity shine. I have found that the search engines places special emphasis on blogs as a reliable and relevant source of updated content. As you continue to post relevant and unique content with links back to your main site, you are busy increasing the authority of your online presence under your given niche.

Online real estate

The addition of your blog and all your social media profiles can help boost the relevance of your main website, and at the same time it helps to keep your brand prominent online. Have you ever searched on Google where the search results called up a couple of results of the same company? It might look excessive to you at first glance, but with all the top channels linking back to you, it increases the awareness of your brand and profile.

Content, content, content

New content is what drives people to a website or information source. If your website was built as a static online “brochure”, your blog can help keep visitors returning. Social media marketing has changed the way people advertise online, but blogging is a trusted digital marketing strategy that can produce positive results. With a blog you can help your main website with links, relevance, authority, and increased organic search results.

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