Social media channels can provide an efficient and effective way to market your business and brand via the social web. Social media marketing is still very new to many even though it has been around for a while. Many business are also waking up to the fact what social media can mean for their reputation online. Did you know that there might be people already talking about you online? Do you really want to ignore what is being said about you on the web? Do you want to join the conversation?

Millions of conversations are happening everyday on the social web. Social media created a highly involved audience that interacts and engages around focused topics. Most people are overwhelmed when they dive into the world of social media, and if you don’t plan your time using this medium, you will get distracted and most likely not produce any results from your social media campaign. How do you manage your time effectively when starting a social media campaign?

Here’s a couple of tips that can help manage your time more efficiently with social media marketing.

Social media marketing planning tips

Planning: Plan the time that you can dedicate for social media. How much time are you going to devote to social media marketing each day or week? What do you want to accomplish with your social media marketing campaign? Once you know this, make a list of the most important tasks that you have to complete in the time you have available. Create an editorial calendar (to do list) based on the available time that you have.

Schedule some time: You know exactly when you are the most productive at work and when your mindset will be focused for completing your social media tasks. This might sound silly, but schedule your day to optimize your social media productivity.

Distractions: Get rid of all your distractions. Sign out of your IM chat, close the browser windows you are not using, put your cellphone on silent, and avoid checking your email every 5 minutes while you are busy with your social media campaign. I know multi tasking is an everyday habit for many, but in reality you are going to be less productive when you are focused on multiple tasks.

Social media tools: Organize all the channels and social media tools you are going to use. You don’t have to be a one person drawer for all of the social media channels that you are going to use. There are hundreds of social media tools available that you can use in your social media marketing strategy. Do some research and find the social media tools that will fit your strategy and the people you would like to reach.

Plan your social media marketing strategy

When you are first starting out with social media marketing, you are going to think it is really easy because all the various social media channels offers you a free way to connect with thousands of potential customers. In order to get the best results with your campaign, it is very important to realize that social media marketing requires careful planning just like any other digital marketing medium.

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