You or your company might have an impressive online reputation and you may be one of the top people to work with in your industry. If this is the case, there’s always a risk of a nasty status update or blog post that reaches the first page of the search engine results pages causing you damage and breaking down the reputation you have built online.

A negative comment online spreads like wildfire and you will find many people contributing to the negative comment just for the kick of it. Either way, when this happens your reputation, conversions, brand identity and sales can dip if you don’t take concrete steps to resolve the matter as soon as possible. With an optimized online reputation management strategy, you can have a process in place to counter negative comments and to help you respond as quickly as possible if anything negative arise online about your name.

Here’s a couple of tips on responding to negative comments online.


If someone posts a negative blog post about you, respond to their blog posts with a clarifying post on your own blog. You can also comment on these blog posts explaining the situation on the posts that was written about you. If you have solid proof to back your stand, it is even better. Add a link to your own website and blog where the readers can find more information about you.

While you are busy countering a negative post, always make sure that you do not use harsh language to make the readers even more suspicious. Be open and transparent. It works wonders.


In my opinion, blogging is the heart and soul of social media and should be included in every social media marketing campaign. If you have found a negative blog post online about you or your company, respond on your own blog about the comment or negative feedback online. This way, readers will definitely be able to see both sides of the story and make their own judgement.

For your own blog, make sure that the language you use is assertive and polite. Always make sure that the content you are either adding as comments or on your own blog or forums, should be keyword rich. Optimizing your blog and using keyword rich content in your blog posts can help you get good organic search engine rankings.

Spreading the word

Make sure to add business achievements, client testimonials, press releases, success stories, etc on various social media channels and article directories to spread your positive footprint online. Find out the latest buzz online and if your company can be part of a trend and let your community know about it. Start building an active community on the social media channels you are using and participate regularly in the discussions going on with your network.

You can use social media marketing to help spread your news and to formulate a good strategy to give more brand exposure for your company online.

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