There’s a couple of methods you can use to measure the ROI of your social media marketing campaign. For many, it is the number of “likes” and “followers” they have and the conversation that occurs between themselves and their followers. For others, the main focus point is having their content shared as wide and far as possible. Many people claim that your success and ROI can only be measured if both are achieved. Gaining followers is not rocket science, although the quality of those followers counts. Producing magnetic content to give your content wings is a lot harder and most people are struggling to achieve this.

One of the keys of getting your content marketing strategy shared by others is knowing of what others want to read and what they find interesting. Last week I published a blog post titled “Creating magnetic content for digital marketing” explaining this in detail. There are some methods you can use that will make your content be shared more often, but the quality of those shares may not be the best. Funny and silly images always gets shared and the same can be said for funny videos.

Your digital marketing campaign

If you are a business owner or in charge of your digital marketing campaign, care needs to be taken with the type of content you would like to be shared. Of course you want your content to be shared, but do you want the content not related to your business be associated with your brand? This is a simple mistake that many people make. An image or video link can get shared a lot, but ask where it originated from and no one would probably know. Concentrating only on shared material is a big mistake. It is important that you own the material that will get shared together with spreading your message. In plain English: Focus on content that is shared and connected to your business.

I know it is easier said that done, but have a look online and you will find many brands that have achieved success with this, most of the time trying out new things, but in the end they are promoting their brand. If you are interested in increasing social media sharing on your content, make sure you are not doing it for the wrong reasons. It is your business or brand that you are trying to promote, not the dog next door.

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