Every company wants to have a great and positive online reputation.  You want prospective clients to instantly think of your brand when talking about services or products that you supply.  There’s nothing better as to be known as the experts in your niche and area of expertise.

It has never been easier to get an online reputation with everything the Web 2.0 world has to offer, and the ability to reach millions of people anywhere in the world.  There are two services that works hand in hand if you want to achieve this – Social Media and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). These two services falls under the digital marketing umbrella.

Optimized social media strategy

With an optimized social media marketing strategy for your business you can actively manage the image of your company online, and basically control how potential customers portray your brand. By creating a dedicated Facebook Fan Page or a Twitter profile, you can reach out to new clients and get your name online.  By interacting with people on selected social media channels can get you a reputation of being the expert in your field of knowledge by posting tips, answering questions, and providing information to your network that they will find interesting.

A very good way of measuring your online influence is by looking at your Klout score. Klout is an online service that uses your social media channels to work out how much influence you carry in your online activity. It also provides information on your retweet probability, what topics your the most influential about and which people you are busy influencing the most. It is a great way of checking how good your social media activity actually is.

If you gain significant number of network followers on the Web 2.0 channels you are using, it is a great way to get an instant traffic boost by simply posting a link with information about a blog post or an article you have written on your website.  Loyal and interested followers will follow the link to see what it is about.

Social media and SEO

By regular posting blog articles can create SEO value to help increase your search engine rankings.  While interested people are spending time reading your blog post articles, the average time on your blog or website increases, your bounce rates decreases, and this can help increase your rankings.

The majority of people believes that websites that are ranked at the top for specific key phrases on the search engines are the leading brand in that business.  So by climbing to the top of the search engine result pages for keywords that people will be searching for to find your company, will help people getting to know your brand.  You can take this further and also optimize your Web 2.0 channels (SMO) so that they are also found on the search rankings.

Social Media and SEO can definitely help you boost your rankings on the search engines.

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