Through my nasty flu experience this week I managed to squeeze in a couple of blog posts. The topics that were focused on this week includes why you should include the Google +1 button on your website to help your content travel and a couple of posts about relationship marketing, online reputation management, and why SEO and social media are friends.

Find the posts below.

Why you should use the Google +1 button on your website

The social media revolution is still going full throttle and now it includes the Google’s +1 button.  On most of the popular websites, blogs, and other online portals, you will see popular social sharing options such as “Tweet this” or “Like” it on Facebook. Google’s +1 button works very similar to the Facebook “Like” button and it is following the same simple concept where you can include the button on your blog or website pages giving a way for interested users to promote your business with their network.

Build a mutual beneficial social relationship with your audience

It is really common knowledge these days that your business needs a solid social media presence as part of your digital marketing strategy. By simply using a range of Web 2.0 channels and creating profiles on them doesn’t mean success.

It is vital that you know and understand the extent to which your social media marketing campaign is actually influencing people.  If your social media efforts are not showing the results you wished to achieve, then your strategy is simply not working.  How can you monitor and check if you are having an effect online at all?

Why SEO and Social Media are friends

Every company wants to have a great and positive online reputation.  You want prospective clients to instantly think of your brand when talking about services or products that you supply.  There’s nothing better as to be known as the experts in your niche and area of expertise.

Online reputation management and brand monitoring

The online world is huge and anyone has the ability to post an opinion (good or bad) in mere seconds on the web. For your company, these opinions could be the difference between a potential prospect interested in your services or decided to look somewhere else based on the opinions of others regarding your brand.

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