After reading up on quite a few blog posts and listening to friends comments regarding IOS and Android, I decided and got an iPhone 4 about two weeks ago. I must admit that I’m quite impressed with the little pocket computer that I now carry with me. This is really not a hardcore review blog post of the iPhone but just a short post on how I’m using it – and loving it all the way.
Firstly, I’m quite heavy into Web 2.0 and this is truly a digital marketers friend. Viewing your Twitter mentions, Facebook news stream, LinkedIn connections, etc is a breeze with this little monster. Here’s a couple of the social media applications that I’m using to make my life easier.
Social Media Applications
- WordPress (writing blog posts on the go or when you are not near a pc)
- Hootsuite
- Flickr
- Foursquare (Just started using it!)
- Tweetdeck (not using it anymore)
- TwitpicPoster
- Skype
- Tumblr (Mobile micro blogging rules!)
- Free RSS (Reading a bunch of RSS feeds when I’m stuck in traffic)
- Mashable
- MyBroadband (Local forum iPhone application)
As you can see, I’m using quite a couple of social media iPhone applications but that’s not all, find a couple of other apps that I use as well.
Other applications
- Dragon dictation
- QuickVoice
- ReaddleDocs
- Dropbox
- ToDo List
- News24
- Beeld
- Supersport
- Dictionary
- Wikipedia
- Analytics
- VLC Player
- PS Express
- iBooks
- WoW Armory (Check my guild runs)
I’m using quite a lot of applications already on my new toy and I’m enjoying it. It’s waaaaay easier to use than on my old Samsung Omnia running on the mobile death operating system Windows Mobile 6. If you are thinking of getting an iPhone 4, get one!
Hi Anton, I’ve had my iphone 4 for about 3 months now and I love it. I have seen the Galaxy s in action and I’ll be honest while it looks nice it has nothing on the iphone 4 expect the 4 inch screen. I had the iphone 3G and now I have the iphone 4 and it’s superb.
I jailbroke the phone as soon as greenposin was released and it’s amazing. I love the themes, blank icons and apps in cydia there’s so much to do it’s just great!
Most of the apps in the US itunes store is not available on the SA store so jailbreaking it will most likely be the best option to get super apps.
I’m still a bit scared to jailbreak the phone but as I know myself…will most likely do it the next couple of days.
Hi to All,One thing told me that,my iphone 4 have a low battery timing and no pictures quality.How can i overcome my problems?
Are you sure that you have an iPhone 4 and not a Hiphone?
Hi Anton, ek het nog nie eers my Iphone 4 vir lank nie en hy overheat. My batery hou nie eers ‘n halwe dag nie. Wat kan die oorsaak wees?