A while ago I wrote a blog post on “What to do with the Google Panda update“. Google’s panda update was implemented to eliminate most of the low quality sites from Google’s search result pages (SERP’s). To get a good ranking after this update, you need to provide a valuable user experience.

The Google Panda update has made businesses and SEO professionals refocusing their sites on providing top quality content to visitors.  So what does this all mean and how can you ensure that you get good rankings on the best search engine (Google)?

Good rankings after the Google Panda update


Always focus first on your visitors.  Never create your website around Google’s search engine algorithm.  Approach search engine optimization by providing your visitors with a great user experience.  Your visitor most likely came to your website because they had a question. Answer the questions that your visitor came to your website for. You can do this by providing original and valuable content.  Google rewards websites that best fulfil search queries.

Low quality content

Check your website for low quality content and remove those pages.  Keep the pages on your website that engages with your visitors.  You can monitor your website analytics to find the pages with the highest bounce rates.  Remove all duplicate content or pages that you consider as junk.

Good quality content

Content is king, but the emphasis these days are on producing interesting content that your website visitors will find interesting and pages that they will want to read.  Create original and new content rather than rewriting existing articles, blogs and pages. The Google Panda update penalized article syndication where duplicate content was found.


Use your website analytics to check where you can improve the interaction with your visitors.  Improve and change the pages on your website with the highest bounce rates.  The same applies to the time people spend on your pages.  The pages with the lowest times, improve them.  You need your website pages to engage and be interesting to your visitors.

Linkable content

Link building has always been one of the central parts of search engine optimization.  The best way to start your link building campaign is to provide content to your that other people will find interesting and that they will want to link to.  Create content that is easily sharable.

Sites with low quality and duplicate content were the most affected by the Google Panda update.  Always focus on quality first for your website, not volume. It is really not that hard to follow the steps above to get good rankings. Check your website now how you can improve the content on your pages.

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