mychatbox full iconFor the last couple of weeks I have been really busy in my free time working on my new “pet” project called My Chatbox.  Almost like the name “Chatbox”, it is a micro blogging community where anyone can create Chatboxes (Micro Blogs).

The idea of My Chatbox was not to replicate the functionality of any of the popular micro blogging tools at all “Tweet – Tweet”, but it started with the idea to create a channel that can be used for any business externally or internally to serve as a communication tool between departments or even franchises.

Yes it does have all the popular features we are used to by now such as #hashtag filtering, @mentions, micro blog character limits (200 characters not 140) on any post or reply, followers and following, private messaging, etc, but it has one big difference – Chatboxes!


Any member can create their own Chatbox (Micro Blog) and basically post anything on it.  They also have the ability to add moderators to their Chatbox that can post new content and moderate any replies. When you create or edit a Chatbox, you can decide whether the Chatbox must be a public (open to anyone) or private (members can request to join before they can view content) chatbox.

No one except the admins (member that created the Chatbox) and moderators can post top-level content on their micro blog but any user can reply or reply on a reply.

My Chatbox Future

This micro blogging tool is still very new and lots of changes and new features will be implemented in the coming weeks – will most likely never be complete.  If you would like to join and test My Chatbox, go ahead and register on My Chatbox and let me know what you think of it.

If you don’t want to take the long route and fill out the registration form on My Chatbox, click the login with Facebook button so that you can register with your Facebook account.  If you don’t have a Facebook account – where have you been for the last 4 years?!?

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