Online reputation management (ORM) and your digital footprint is as much social media as it is about your physical reputation online. On the social web, you can manage your digital footprint with the help of all the popular social media channels such as Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and even Pinterest.

If you are interested in building your reputation online with social media, it’s important that you use the right social media channels for your business, creating magnetic content for your targeted audience, and target the correct keywords to make the most impact. Even though you can start straight away on any social media channel to build your profile, it will work much better if you have a detailed strategy on what you want to accomplish.

Your digital footprint online

Every social media channel has its own advantages. Have a look at LinkedIn. Even though it can be used to connect with friends and family on a personal level, its primary function is professional business networking. What are your business goals? What do you want to accomplish? You don’t have to use “Pinterest” just for the sake that everyone else is using it. If the social media channel doesn’t make sense for your business, then use other channels that are going to help you enhance your digital footprint more.

The power of magnetic content

If you are not creating magnetic content with your social media marketing strategy, then you are not really getting the best with your campaign. Online, it’s not about only creating content anymore. Magnetic content draws people closer to you and it has the ability to go viral. With magnetic content you can also increase your reputation online because your target audience will find value in it. When you create this type of content for your digital marketing and social media campaigns, you can use it to engage with your audience and start building relationships. This is a great way you to keep your online reputation positive and it encourages your target audience to engage with you.

When you create magnetic content, you should also be aware of how this type of content will be received by Google and the other top search engines. You can rank organically on Google for your magnetic content when you are optimizing your content around specific keywords related to your business and that you want to target.

Online reputation management, digital marketing, and social media are all interlinked. They should not be seen as separate strategies as they go hand in hand to increase your digital footprint online.

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