With the ever increase of blogging platforms, social networks, and other related Web 2.0 channels, traditional digital marketing is not the only source for targeted traffic anymore. A top story on a well known social media channel can drive much more traffic to your website than a top search engine ranking.

Web 2.0 (social media) marketing is a form of word of mouth marketing (WOM) through the usage of various social channels online. The essence of this phenomena is giving people a good reason to visit your website because of it’s unique and great content.

With this new way of marketing to the masses, you can build up brand recognition and reputation, not selling directly. You can become the expert in your market niche and your brand is what you represent, what you care about, and your connection with others.  The ultimate goal with social media marketing is to build a natural following.

How SMM is different to SEO

SMM is totally different than SEO (Search Engine Optimization). With SMM, you are communicating directly with targeted audiences while SEO is all about marketing to the top search engines.  The heart and soul of SEO is still all about link building while SMM is about listening and building up your community.

Today, with all the new technology trends and devices we cannot hide forever. The digital world is becoming more transparent. There is no more hiding in the shadows thinking that no one will notice us. Web 2.0 shines a light on everybody and everything.

The digital marketing landscape has changed extensively in the last couple of years. It is getting more chaotic everyday. The old way of having a control on your market is gone where it was only your voice. It is now all about interacting and engaging with targeted markets at the most basic level of conversation.

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