Over the last few years the social media trend has exploded. Millions of active conversations are happening everyday online. The online reputation of organizations can be made or harmed hourly with a single status update or a tweet.

Are you trying your best with a social media initiative to find the value in the millions of Facebook and Twitter conversations happening every day? Social networking and microblogging started as a way of connecting with friends, its true ability to connect you with the public is proving invaluable.

Social media buzz

The social media phenomena continues to explode as people see the business impact of engaging with targeted customers through this medium. Do you want to know what people online think about your brand and reputation? Do you want to start engaging in conversations online? Want to learn important information from industry leaders and provide this knowledge to your peers? Need more sales leads?

Businesses can no longer ignore the conversation that is happening about them online on popular Web 2.0 channels. In today’s hectic digital lifestyle, whether or not you are aware of the social media conversations taking place right now, they will take place.

Social media opens you op for public criticism

While the social media phenomenon has open up business doors to public criticism, it has also created a direct link between your prospect and customer base. As a digital marketing professional, you need to be prepared to analyze and monitor your business online reputation in the social media landscape.

While PR and marketing professionals are beginning to understand the impact of their online corporate reputation, they are also beginning to see the power that it holds. All of a sudden, monitoring news can not just only be used to gain perspective on what is happening online, it can also uncover many potential business opportunities.

As more companies are putting solid social media monitoring strategies in place, the information gathered helps them define their online brand identity and it helps them to develop various strategies to ensure all the conversations about them online are helping them strengthen their public image, and communicating with current and prospective clients.

Do you have any online reputation management strategies in place?

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