Twitter is one of the best and easiest social media channels to build up your network and to engage with targeted audiences. The popularity of Twitter is growing each day and everyone can become their own “citizen journalist” by updating their status on various news and information that they find. Personally, I’m a huge fan of Twitter and I’m not just using it to Tweet updates. When I’m using Twitter, I spend most of my time researching on Twitter search to find new trends and interesting information to go and explore.

Many people, when they first start using Twitter to support their marketing efforts can feel a little bit overwhelmed and confused on what they should do on this platform. Without a proper social media strategy to support your efforts, what can you do to start building your reputation on Twitter and grow your network? The answer is simple – update your status with interesting content.

Even though “What’s happening” is usually the first thing you will see when logging in to Twitter, what does this actually mean? To give you a short answer – what are you doing right now? Many people are updating their status with senseless babble on various topics on what happens through their daily lives such as “Listening to xyz”, “Watching the game on TV channel xyz”, etc.

Instead of taking such a generalized approach to “What’s happening”, think about how you can update your status to have the most impact on the people you are trying to reach and how you can Tweet interesting content that others will find interesting. Here’s a couple of questions you can use to help you with this.

Different Twitter status updates

  • What interests the audience you want to reach?
  • What are you currently interested in?
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What projects are you currently working on?
  • In what contest are you participating in?
  • What new products/services are you releasing?
  • What is new in your business?
  • What is new in your family?

If you are using Twitter from a business perspective, update your status to position yourself as the expert in your field and an engaging thought leader who wants to stimulate conversation and activity.

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