My Blog

Read my latest blog posts below.
The ultimate goal with Chatboxes

The ultimate goal with Chatboxes

I did a short blog post on My Chatbox a couple of weeks titled "Chatboxes in plain English" where I explain how you can use a Chatbox (micro blog) on this Micro Blogging Community.  Find the blog post below. This is not a “how to” blog post but rather a general...

External blog feeds on My Chatbox

External blog feeds on My Chatbox

A little while ago I created a blog post on My Chatbox regarding a new feature I have made where you can add an external blog post on your Micro Blog (Chatbox).  This is quite a nice feature as most of the links on My Chatbox are "dofollow" so you can build up links...

The first two weeks with my iPhone 4

The first two weeks with my iPhone 4

After reading up on quite a few blog posts and listening to friends comments regarding IOS and Android, I decided and got an iPhone 4 about two weeks ago.  I must admit that I'm quite impressed with the little pocket computer that I now carry with me. This is really...

SEO Tip: The power of one way linking

SEO Tip: The power of one way linking

Search engines uses a range of different aspects to determine a specific website's rank on the search engine result pages (SERP). One important aspect often overlooked are links pointing to your website. The more quality good links pointing to your website increases...

The nasty way of SEO: Black Hat

The nasty way of SEO: Black Hat

Ever wondered exactly what Black Hat SEO (Search Engine Optimization) means? It is the unethical under the table way of search engine marketing. Think you don't know about it? I am sure you have at least browsed to a couple of websites practising these bad website...

The growing trend of Cloud Computing

The growing trend of Cloud Computing

Normal businesses running office computers together with in office servers are moving towards cloud computing. Cloud computing lets businesses use the internet that consists of networks within networks.  Instead of having dedicated software and hardware on each...

How to start marketing your new blog

How to start marketing your new blog

A blog is seen as the "swiss army knife" of social media.   You can demonstrate thought leadership on your blog and at the same time it could be the vocal point of your marketing strategy. If you have just launched a new blog and you would like to let people know...

Automatically Tweet to My Chatbox

Automatically Tweet to My Chatbox

I have launched a new feature on My Chatbox where you can add a Twitter profile username to a chatbox you have created or that you are an administrator of. Once added, Tweet Fetcher (the brother of the famous Feed Fetcher) will synchronize all the tweets from the...

The wonderful online social world

The wonderful online social world

When working in social, economic, environmental systems, we often assume one action has one result that it will happen relatively soon. But experience has shown us that we are managing tightly interconnected, delayed, complex systems where one action has multiple,...

Authentic conversations

Authentic conversations

Took this excerpt from the The Cluetrain Manifesto "The long silence - the industrial interruption of the human conversion - is coming to an end. On the Internet, markets are getting more connected and more powerfully vocal every day.  These markets want to talk, just...

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